Hindu Pez's Trilogy consists of 3 EP's released between 2021 and 2023. It marks Hindu Pez's first venture into hardware synths (particularly analog synths, as well as digital synths) and was an exclusive collaboration with JJ Williams (In Tenebris, Oh-So, 7th Grade Girl Fight) as producer. 

The three EP's formed a tryptich : 

We Deserve Extinction  [1/1/21]

Flee The Scene  [4/1/22]

Farewell, Mo Chroi [1/1/23]

Album art for Trilogy was handled exclusively by Chris Garcia, who previously contributed photography, design and execution to the Porno Music To Kill To LP, and the abUSE EP

Listen to Trilogy in it's entirety via Spotify : 

A physical and potentially expanded release of Trilogy is being considered.